Mobile Massage Therapy

Massage therapy is gaining increasing popularity as more and more people are recognising and experiencing the benefits of it.  It has a multitude of helpful effects both physically and psychologically.  It aids to give painful muscles relief and reduce tension within them.  It also assists with mobilising excess fluid.  Not to mention it is physically soothing and mentally relaxing.

A recent systematic review published in Journal of physiotherapy (Bervoets et al, 2015) indicates that as a stand alone treatment, it reduces pain and improves function compared to no treatment in some musculoskeletal conditions including osteoarthritis of the knee, shoulder, neck and lower back pain.

If you’re having difficulty getting out, our mobile massage therapy service provides you the convenience of having it your own home.  All our therapists a highly trained, experienced and friendly ensuring that the whole experience is comfortable.

* Reference:  Bervoets DC, Luijsterburg PAJ, Alessie JJN, Buijs MJ, and Verhagen AP (2015) “Massage therapy has short-term benefits for people with common musculo-skeletal disorders compared to no treatment:  A systematic review.”  Journal of Physiotherapy 61:106-116.

My Rehab Team is a registered NDIS provider. We assist clients with their NDIS application process by providing the evidence required.

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