After injury or surgery you may have a scar, which can be thick, red and raised and on occasion can stick to the tissues underneath the skin, which can limit movement. Scars can also impact upon the sensation experienced in the area affected, causing it to be overly sensitive or numb.

Occupational Therapists are skilled in assessing scars and prescribing scar management strategies. These may include:

  • compression,
  • silicon products,
  • stretching/exercise programs,
  • massage and,
  • desensitisation techniques.
Your OT can help.

Your OT can help.

Silicone has been shown to minimize scars by improving the texture and colour, reducing itching, softening and flattening the scar.

Stretching is particularly important if the scar covers a joint as it can help to reduce the risk of contraction.

Scar massage can help the scar tissue grow in a more similar way to its original state.

Most importantly your Occupational Therapist will provide you with education on scar management techniques to help you self manage your treatment.

Monitoring of your scars can be required for many months or years as scar remodelling occurs. Please bring up any issues or concerns with your Occupational Therapist at any time.

For more information, please contact our mobile rehabilitation service – My Rehab Team Team, on 1300 469 734 or

Image courtesy of Stuart Miles @ Free Digital Downloads [Online] Available at: (Accessed on 3rd December, 2014)