Mobile Psychologists

Rehabilitation Psychology

Many people underestimate the importance of psychologists and what they can do for disabled individuals. Psychologists are mental health professionals who help improve an individual’s quality of life by working on their emotional, cognitive, social and behavioural problems.

A person with a disability may have difficulty communicating their feelings or thoughts to others. A psychologist can work with this person to gain awareness of these difficulties and provide strategies to overcome them. The inability to communicate may lead to depression, anxiety or anger that could be harmful both mentally and physically if not treated appropriately.

In addition, working with a trained psychologist may help a person remain focused on their goals, build confidence, improve recovery time and overall recovery experience.

When you’re looking for rehabilitation services in your area, make sure you find a qualified psychologist as part of a team that can provide a holistic approach to your rehabilitation!


Through the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS), individuals living with disabilities can tap into a suite of resources and services offered by My Rehab Team. Geared towards those under the age of 65, the NDIS serves as a crucial support system, providing diverse services to facilitate continuous improvement and empower individuals to lead more enriched lives. The NDIS strives to bridge connections between individuals with disabilities and a range of service providers, fostering the acquisition of essential life skills, active community participation, and timely intervention to alleviate the impacts of disabilities, among other valuable offerings.

NDIS Psychology Services In Brisbane

My Rehab Team believes that the mind is a powerful tool. Our psychology assessment service in Brisbane may help you achieve your goals and overcome any obstacles that may be holding you back from living the life you want to live.  Our psychologist assessments are mobile, meaning we can either:


  1. come to you; or
  2. meet face to face at one of our designated locations; or
  3. do a telehealth consultation.

Functional Capacity Assessment


When may one request a Functional Capacity Assessment?
1.  To request for NDIS access 
2.  To review how best to utilise the support resources at the start of an NDIS plan. 
3. To review the support needs of a participant who may have experienced a change of situation:  a decline in function, loss of informal support, significant change in living environment, etc. 
Who can complete a Functional Capacity Assessment (FCA)?

Typically, Occupational Therapists will complete an FCA.  For clients with a psychological condition, a psychologist often has a better appreciation of the relevant symptoms and their functional impact.  Therefore, our psychologist has effectively completed FCA and reports for these clients.  

How does a functional capacity assessment capture one’s support needs?

A typical assessment involves the understanding of the individual’s capacity in the functional domains of communication, social interactions, self care or personal activities of daily living, self management or instrumental activities of daily living, mobility,  and learning.  Through interviews, observations, and the execution of standardised assessment tools, the assessor provides a clinical picture regarding the level of capacity or independence of an individual.  This enables the assessor to provide recommendations regarding the support needs of the individual.  Supports that are to be funded by the NDIS must meet the “Reasonable and Necessary” criteria.  For detailed explanation of this criteria, please visit NDIS’s website.

What does a functional capacity assessment involved?
1.  A face-to-face assessment.
2. The completion of a number of standardised assessment questionnaires by the client and/or their nominee. 
The report takes around 4 weeks to complete.  It is usually around 20 pages long.  Upon completion, it will be submitted to the client and/or their nominee and the relevant stakeholders to review before finalising.  

Our Psychologist Assessor

Tulsi Achia, MClinPsych (UQ)

Registered Psychologist & Member of Australian Psychological Society 

Tulsi is a clinician and researcher with over 15 years of practice in adult mental health, research and policy. Her areas of expertise include:

Working with socio-economically disadvantaged populations tying in contextual factors affecting mental health and disability
Clinical assessments – tests of intellectual functioning, adaptive behaviour, psychosocial disability, and functional assessments focusing on communication, mobility, social skills and community participation, life skills, self-regulation and cognition.


Tulsi Achia is able to provide adult participants with psychosocial and physical disability assessments and high quality reports that may be used to (a) identify areas of challenges and strengths (b) provide recommendations that may be used to apply for funding or specific supports under Assistance with Daily Life (ADL), Improved Daily Living Skills (IDL) or Specialist Behaviour Support.  She is able to provide the following assessments:

Test Available
Diagnosis and Tracking Progression of Symptoms

Assessments following the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders – 5 (DSM-5) criteria:


  •  Schizophrenia and other psychotic disorders
  • Trauma and dissociative disorders
  • Neurodevelopmental disorders such as ADHD, Autism, and intellectual disabilities
  • Depressive, anxiety, OCD, bipolar disorders
  • Personality disorders
  • Cognitive impairment and behavioural disturbances associated with neurocognitive disorders such as dementia, stroke, Parkinson’s disease and acquired brain Injury
  • Substance use disorders co-occurring with above mentioned diagnoses

Cognitive and Intellectual Functioning

  • Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale – Version 4 (WAIS – IV)
  • Wechsler Memory and Attention tests
  • Tests of Executive Functioning – cognitive performance and behavioural versions
  • Test of pre-morbid functioning (TOPF) for brain injury

Functional Capacity

  • World Health Organisation Disability Assessment Schedule (WHODAS) 2.0
  • Vineland-3
  • Lawton-Brody Instrumental Activities of Daily Living Scale

Arrange a Psychologist Assessment Today!

If you are seeking psychologist services, then My Rehab Team can help with the initial assessment. We provide a variety of allied health professionals who focus on various aspects of rehabilitation including psychology to help your recovery process or empower you to restore mobility and confidence.

Call 1300 469 734 or email to book an appointment or for more information about our psychology assessments (please note that we do not provide ongoing psychologist sessions).

My Rehab Team is a registered NDIS provider. We assist clients with their NDIS application process by providing the evidence required.

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