The PQRST technique helps you to study and remember a volume of written information.

P is for Preview,

Q for Question,

R for Read,

S for Summarise and state, and

T for Test.

To remember a volume of information, firstly try to preview it by scanning through it and gaining a general idea of the content.  Next, come up with a few questions for yourself on the content.  These are questions that you should be able to answer after reading the text in more detail.  Now read through the content carefully.  Summarise the main points and state them to yourself.   Finally, test your understanding by answering the questions you listed earlier.

This is the last of our Tips for a better memory series.  Stay tune on our blog spot for other interesting topics.  For more information, please contact our mobile rehab team or neurological rehabilitation service.   We are also found on the Medibank Private occupational therapy and physiotherapy providers list.

Image courtesy of Stuart Miles, at Free Digital Photo.  [Online] Available at: (Accessed on 14th December, 2014)