Fungal nails

Fungal nails

Fungal nails, also known as onychomycosis are a fungal infection that affects the toenails. The fungal infection can cause the nail plate to become thickened, discoloured, and brittle, and in some cases can also cause the nail to become deformed. Fungal nails are most...
Cracked heels

Cracked heels

Cracked heels are caused when the skin thickens and callus forms around the heels. When weightbearing the fat pad under the heel expands and this tension then causes the thickened skin to crack and break. It is important that these cracks are managed as they can...
Ingrown nails

Ingrown nails

An ingrown toenail is a condition where the toenail grows into the skin surrounding the nail, causing pain, swelling, and sometimes infection. The condition most commonly affects the big toe and can from improper nail cutting, poor fitting footwear, or genetic...
Neuromas and bursitis

Neuromas and bursitis

Neuromas and bursitis are common causes of pain in the foot particularly in the forefoot. A neuroma is when the nerve thickens and is most common between the toes or the metatarsal bones in the foot. Typically, neuromas present with symptoms of pain, tingling,...
Plantar fasciitis

Plantar fasciitis

Plantar fasciitis is a relatively common cause of heel and arch pain. It is most often characterised by pain underneath the heel, first step pain in the morning, and a general aching sensation with prolonged activity. Plantar fasciitis is often caused by prolonged...
What is a callus? What is a corn?

What is a callus? What is a corn?

Corns and callus are areas of thickened skin commonly seen on the bottom of our feet. They typically develop in areas that receive continuous friction or pressure. The skin creates this thickened layer in response to the continuous stress as a way to protect itself...