Earlier this year, I did a brain imaging course which was very interesting and helped me to be able to look at a brain scan for useful information. There is often more information in the actual pictures compared the report, as the radiologists will usually only report on the pathology (disease) they can see to make the diagnosis. For therapists who are trained, a brain scan can give us useful information about the prognosis or likely outcomes and this helps us to refine treatment goals.

For clients, it is also very important to ask for copies of both the report and the scans. If you are scanned at different health districts, it may not be possible for the scans to be shared. Therefore it is difficult for doctors to be able to compare old with new scans. So it helps your new doctors to see the complete picture and this will help them when proposing the best treatment for you.

My Rehab Team has therapists with experience and a passion for seeing clients with neurological conditions. You can contact us for a free initial phone consultation or make a referral using one of the links on our menu bar.